Saturday, October 9, 2010


So I was totally intimidated when I saw how long Boneshaker was. I prayed that it was nothing like some of the more difficult things we've read, such as The Island. And it's not. I've knocked out half of the book in no time. As a history major, I'm completely fascinated with the steam punk sub genre now. I'm hoping to look into it some more. I love how scifi is plugged into a historical setting. These people are walking around with lanterns, but Lucy has a mechanical arm. Awesome. It threw me off guard when I opened the book and the writing was brown. Has anyone seen a novel written in any color but black before this? However the brown seems appropriate for a novel in a Civil War (well extended Civil War in this book) era setting.


Anonymous said...

I didn't notice the text was brown until I read this post; my mind is blown.

Jordan said...

Did it dazzle you, Earnest? ;)

John Harris said...

It dazzled me. I never would have noticed that.

Drew said...

Whoa! It IS brown. Now I'm wondering if my whole literary life has been a lie and tons of books I've read have had different color type that I never noticed... Scary.

Caleb Weeks said...

I know people have already commented on this but I didn't even notice that the text was brown. Amazing! Since you like the steampunk genre you should check out a book called "The Affinity Bridge."