Holy smokes. So I was just looking around at different topics online, and I stumbled across this. Japan has yet again shown it's technological creativity- I can't imagine going to a concert with a holographic performer. The video is definitely worth watching just because it's a rather unbelievable idea. The one thing that popped into my head though was "I wonder how the drummer and guitarist feel about this". It has to be even stranger for them to perform with a holograph.
I actually found out about this earlier. I honestly wonder if they actually used a vocaloid program for the voice. Also, this Idea is nothing new, I remember Disney having a movie with a similar premise, and of course, the requisite Schlock Link. (And about the next seven strips)
New or not it is crazy to see something like that. I wonder what it's like to see it up close, if it still looks realistic or if the image breaks apart.
I heard about this. American scientists are actually looking into technology to create holographic televisions.
Oh my gosh, it's like Jem without the bad eighties everything!
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