Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I have mentioned in class before that I enjoy reading graphic novels and last week I picked up the graphic novel, Kick-Ass. I watched the movie before reading the graphic novel and I was surprised on how much changed between the graphic novel and the movie adaptation. The difference that really surprised me is how the story ended. In the movie, Kick-Ass ends up with the girl and his life is much better compared to the beginning of the story. However, in the graphic novel, Kick-Ass doesn't get the girl. In fact, his love interest's boyfriend beats the hell out of him at the end. He just goes back to being a loser. What the hell? Why would someone end a story like that?


Drew said...

Wow... I've seen the movie, and enjoyed it. But that's how the graphic novel ends? I think I'll just pretend that the movie is what really counts in this case.

Courtney said...

I saw the movie and thought it was pretty awesome, but the ending to the graphic novel is a bit funny too in a dark way.
Random information: The girl who plays Hit Girl,I think her name is Chloe Moretz, plays a vampire in the movie Let Me In, which is amazing for anyone who has not seen it, though it's more fantasy than science fiction.

Jordan said...

I really wanted to see this and Scott Pilgrim, but I haven't yet.

Laura said...

I saw this movie last week, and I loved it. I was seriously in awe of Hit Girl. I actually read an article a while back that talked about the controversy it stirred up by having a little girl unapologetically spouting a certain four letter "c" word. Honestly, I think her vocabulary is nothing to fret over...her skill with various blades and fancy weaponry, maybe.