Monday, November 1, 2010

Verdict on the Walking Dead

So after weeks of waiting I must say I really enjoyed the first show. However, I watched it with several other zombie enthusiasts and we had some critiques. First of all, he did not seem nearly as surprised about the whole everyone is a zombie thing as he should have been. I mean, he was quite scared in the hospital. But then when he saw the crawler at the park he just looked a bit concerned before riding away on his bike (well I guess it's a bit hard to flee in terror on a bike in a hospital gown, but still....) Maybe this plays into what previous posters were talking about with the prior knowledge thing. Perhaps he did know a little something about zombies, at least enough to not freak out completely.

Also, we noticed several scenes from the show that look like they might have been copied from other movies. 28 Weeks Later is the obvious one with the entire hospital scene. Also that scene seemed to borrow a bit from the Resident Evil series. Then, during the previews for the season, it looked (and I might be wrong about this) like they were sitting on the roof of a mall, which would be from Dawn of the Dead. Did anyone else notice this?


Elizabeth said...

i am not actually a huge zombie fan and don't typically watch this type of stuff... That being said, I was visiting my sister this weekend who does watch this stuff and love it. We watched it with a big group of people and I really enjoyed it much more than I thought I would.

We had a balloon pop in the middle of one of the more intense parts and it was pretty freaky. We all jumped.

I have to say his partner is kind of a skeaz ball though...

Drew said...

Yea, I really don't like his partner... or his wife... how long could he have possibly been out for, honestly? A couple of months... Jeez... But I really enjoyed the show, and I'm not a big zombie movie lover either, really. I'm looking forward to the next episode.

John Harris said...

Maybe they didn't have a very healthy relationship to begin with...

Drew said...

That's probably true, based on what he was saying at the beginning of the episode... Her asking him if he even loved her and their son anymore and all.

Anonymous said...

I liked the show more than I thought I would. I agree that some aspects of it looked like they referred to other works, but when your subject is "zombie apocalypse" there aren't a lot of directions you can pursue. I think it was very well done, although I am sort of over all of the zombie stories.