Well the last post about the UN preparing the planet for our contact with an alien race (a fake, sadly) made me think about this picture. I found it a while ago and it made me laugh, so I thought I would share it here.
Clicking the title will take you to an image providing a pretty detailed description of what you should do if YOU are the human to first make contact with the aliens. The image is pretty big, so I thought a link would be best. Enjoy.
Nice John. I especially like the bit about holding still. Where did you find that?
Ha! I do love this and I want to know where it came from too. It's funny, but pretty realistic about all the potential communication barriers that humans and aliens would have.
Not sure where the original came from. Its just something that I found while wandering around the internet.
Haha I love that. I really didn't expect so much detail when I clicked the link. It's very realistic.
This was amusing; I like the snarky tone. It looks nothing like my internal script for first contact, though, which is more like a stick figure fleeing into the hills.
I think this should be added to the list of "why do we have to learn this?" for high school mathematics.
Q: Why do we need to learn the geometry? I'm never going to need it.
A:You'll need to know it for Algebra, maybe you'll go into architecture, and if you happen to be the first human contacted by an alien species, you must be able to communicate.
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