Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Andy's Story

So Andy, I really like the fact that you set the story in such a familiar setting, and I like that you referenced the university you're at. Very nice. I have to ask though, is geocaching a hobby you've ever been into? I'd never heard of it so I was wondering where that idea came from.


Katy said...

I agree. His story was very easy to relate to and thus easy to read. The Yarns Ignoble thing...totally cracked me up. Very clever, Andy, very clever.

Mark Penner said...

I actually went geocaching with my BSA Troop back in high school. It was a lot of fun, we traded items that we had brought with us for items in the cache.

Jenny Strack said...

That's really neat. What all did you guys out in the cache?

Tristram said...

I had never heard of geocaching until this story, but it seems like fun. And yes, I also loved Yarns Ignoble.

Drew said...

I had never heard of it either. Very interesting. That's cool that you've actually done it before, Mark.

Elizabeth said...

You got to geocache in BSA? How come GSA never get the same types of activities? All we ever did was sell cookies.

I really liked Andy's story. Yarns Ignoble...