Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Firefly Solution to a Dune Problem

I was surfing the internet the other day when I stumbled upon an article at one of my favorite sites: The article was titled "A (BLANK) Solution to a (BLANK) Problem". In short, the article is talking about how niche culture can be used to describe concepts. The quotation that sparked the article as a sign at NASA which read, "Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem." The message being that complex problems typically can not be solved with simple fixes. Because of its science fiction bent, I felt that it was worthy of discussion. It also might be an appropriate way to spark analysis of works that we read. For example the protagonist's negotiation with chimp in "The Island" might be considered a cold war solution to a 2001: A Space Odyssey problem. Can anyone else think of another analogy for one of our short stories in this format?


AmeliaLinne said...

Well, the government's solution to vampires in "The Coldest Girl in Cold Town" seems like a leprosy solution to a Laurell K. Hamilton problem (I think she was the first to have public vampires).

Mark Penner said...

I like that one! I guess "Spar" would be an H.P. Lovecraft solution to a Robinson Crusoe problem.

AmeliaLinne said...

Oh, you're brave using "Spar" but it's definitly true. Island 1 of The Island" uses a Serenity solution (when Mal uses the Reevers to slowdown the Alliance) to a Hitchhiker's Guide problem. (I'm rather proud of myself, using two scifi examples and all.)